Water, Sanitation and Awarene

Nature of the project: Promotion environment sanitation
Estimated expenditure: Bangladesh currency Tk. 95,000.00

Activities carried out:

1) 42 Female volunteers were trained on safe water and sanitation for community motivation.
2) Motivation campaign was conducted in the 06 above selected area to motivate on the necessity and utility of sanitary latrine.
3) 06tube well distributed to suitable places in the target areas.
4) 48 latrines were distributed among the target families
5) maintained committee was formed and oriented duly given


1) 90 group members become aware about the useful of having safe water.
2) Target family heads of the rural community raised their awareness environment.
3) Target families were directly benefited with the donated tube wells and thereby saved from water burn diseases.
4) 45 families were directly benefited out of the slab latrines at very low cost for making the fences and roof.